all you cannot eat

one thing they don't have in this country is "All you can eat" places. One would think maybe that's because they don't have that American obesity problem, but not true: I just saw a study that 40% of Australian males are overweight. And everyone here smokes too, which is disgusting. I've been spoiled living in Colorado, the healthiest and fittest state in America, where no one smokes (cigarettes, at least).

no all you can eat; their internet plans have "caps"... you get a max download bandwidth of 5GB or 15Gb or whatever per month (they tried to enact this in America and there was Nerd Outrage a few years back) depending on your plan; the Aussie Netflix-equivalent Quickflix has plans like "Unlimited DVD rentals for $19.95... but a max of 8 DVDs per month".

It's like in Oz they're just afraid people will use too much of anything.

Also, had my first brush with the (quasi-) law this morning. On my normally sleepy Alamein line train ride to work, the Connex transit authority officials boarded and demanded i take my feet off the seat in front of me.

She said "what's your reason for having your feet up on the seat?"

I didn't understand the question. I said "My reason?"

She reiterated: "Yes, your reason".

I said "I guess I don't have one."

She then proceeded to tell me there was a $172 fine for doing so and she would write me a ticket.
She asked for ID and I showed her my CO driver's license and she then proceeded to quiz my on why I was in this country at all. I told her I was here "for work". I was prepared to only give her name, rank, and serial number. What could she do, take me to jail for having feet up on the seat?

She had no choice but to let me alone for having no Ozzie ID. take that, establishment.


  1. Frugality is a trait often exhibited on islands such as yours, where resources are limited. With only 120 million sheep in Australia (5.7 to 1 sheep-to-people ratio), they can't just be giving mutton away.

    As for the incident on the train, frankly, you should know better. There's no excuse to just go galavanting about forgein public transportational modes, letting your feet go all willy-nilly. If Australia is known for one thing, it's kangaroos. And if it's known for two things, it's kangaroos and train orderliness.


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