jim: pig in the city 2

I've never been a "city person". I grew up in Oklahoma, and i dealt with that fact by getting high & drunk as often as possible for my first 24 years of life. When I grew up and left that behind, I knew I had to get the hell out of OK, so I moved to Colorado. Living near the mountains, I really thrived. After a few weeks in CO, I knew I'd never want to leave.

So that's why it's a bit ironic that I've accepted this "dream job" in Melbourne, Australia. I've landed myself smack dab in the second biggest city in the country, a living breathing 4 million-plus metropolis. I live amongst the peoples, ride the train every day (and let me tell you, riding the train during 'rush hour' is a competitive practice), wait in lines at museums, delis, convenience stores; always surrounded by other people.

that's why, even though this is an experience I'm glad to have and will never forget, a part of me just cannot wait until i can again be sitting by a tent in the middle of Rocky Mountain National Park, surrounded by only trees and snow-capped mountains; with not another person in sight. Ahh...


  1. Assuming that Australia isn't packed shoulder-to-shoulder across the entire country, there may be similar places for you and your tent to go "get away" together. Just sayin', RMNP isn't the only camp-able spot, and it may endear you more to your new host land. I hear Alpine National Park is lovely this time of year...


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