Wilsons Promontory, Part 2

sealers cove is apparently one of the can't-miss sights of the prom. it took 10ks of hiking to get there


through a trail that looked straight out of a grimm brothers fairy tale

the cove itself was secluded, pristine, surrounded by green hilly coastline, a lot like tasmania

after the return trip, we were all a bit tired (i hadn't hiked 20ks [12 miles] in a single day in a few years) but we stopped off at the incredible Whisky beach

right next door to squeaky beach, it had that same beautiful white sand, clear blue water and rocky areas

thumb rock. get it?

the next day, on the way back we stopped off at a petting zoo to give our guest Nan a close up view of some Aussie wildlife.

check this albino roo (in Aussie, that's pronounced al-bee-no)

and, the obligatory koalas

dirty, filthy creatures


  1. unbelievable! the photos you and lisa post look like post cards from a dreamland somewhere unreachable. wow.


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