winding down

as our time here in Oz counts down, we're preparing for the insanity of moving again to another country. This time it's back home, and I'm taking a lot of comfort in that fact. Colorado is like no place on earth and I can't wait to call is my home again.

A short stop (3 weeks) in Singapore for some work stuff, then it's off for the next chapter of life in the USA.

More and more thinking of the stuff I'll miss about Melbourne. Like Belvga.

Best Fish n Chips ever, event though lately we've switched over to the grilled fish w/ rice instead of the fried + chips combo.

We definitely were not city people before moving here, and I can't say it has made us so, but I can see some advantages to living in a big city. Just not enough.


  1. I'm glad Belvga is licensed, I'd hate to see you and Lisa eating unlicensed fush'n'chups.


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