Singapore: The crazy house

Since I'm only in Singapore a short time, my company has arranged some temporary housing for me, and my coworkers, until they find more permanent residence.

Currently, we've just all moved into some spare rooms in a house in Holland Village. The house is owned by a local artist, Ketna Patel. Her house is also her studio, and this place is the craziest house I have ever seen:

front porch. some giant bed/sandal/spiky clog shoe thing.

brian coming up the stairs

this is a $4000 chair. Ketna told us to sit anywhere, don't worry about the price tags.


some more more crazy shit. don't even ask me.

my favorite art piece (note the doornkob nipples. get it?)

another giant shoe.


  1. Is the Marshall stack art, or for blasting out blistering solos while comprehending "Doorknob Nipples"?


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