London Part II: Work Days

Wednesday 23rd

Make it to London via Heathrow. Bags not in London. I am not at all surprised. they will be here tomorrow, apparently.
Taxi to my hotel. The city is all brown and red brick, very dark and old.

Taxi driver gets address wrong, but I know I'm close by so I get out to walk.  Immediately discover a Brit language quirk: guy giving directions tells me it's 'two streets over' but he means one street over because he's counting the street we're on right now as one of those two streets.  whatevs. Like when an Australian says 'next thursday' and it's Tuesday, he actually means two days from now.

Hyde park hotel. Smallest hotel room I've ever seen. The entire bathroom is literally as small as my bathtub at home. Wander around the shopping area nearby and buy some clothes so I can have freshies tomorrow. video chat with the wife then off to bed.

Thursday 24th

Short walk to the office. More brown drab old buildings. It's like Australia but without any color. But it is the most international kind of city I've ever been in: I've heard as many non-British accents as British. everyone talks so fast I can't understand most of it.

Full day at work, actually doing what I came to do, train the office on our new software. Luggage finally arrives at 6 pm. So excited to have my jacket, the wind is cold here.

Friday 25th

Back to the office. After work, bus ride out to nic & nick's house to stay for the weekend.

Got to see quite a bit of London via bus, and was a bit sad to see that it all pretty much looks the same. Brown, old, brick. I like to see a bit of color in my cities.


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