London Part IV: The finale

Sunday 27th

Off to tour London a bit more with my host and coworker Nicholas. We catch a train to a market downtown, then a bus to Trafalgar square. There is a bit of evidence of the protests from yesterday, broken beer bottles, protest signs, new graffiti.

We walk to the London bridge, Big Ben, and many other buildings that I didn't even know what they were but were damn impressive.

not pictured: falling down

Walk on more to the imperial war museum. This kind of thing is more my dad's forte, but I hear it's interesting. We spend two hours there and see only about a quarter of it. We're tired and decide to head back home. Riding the train makes me miss Australia. I wasn't too keen on London when I got here, but this place is starting to grow on me.

Monday 28th

Last day of work in the office, and a busy one. Bus to work is interesting, I see many bikes lane-splitting, dodging in between moving cars. It's crazy

Tuesday 29th

I'm outta here. Last breakfast at nick stevens suggestion at a dirty breakfast joint. 

the dirty dirty

They serve french fries for breakfast here. I have mixed feelings about that.


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