Dakoting, Part 2: Badlands

Day 2

Checked out of Alex Johnson in Rapid city and drive to badlands. Got a bit lost on the way (Google Maps, you are not infallible), but got to see more prairie, so that was awesome (sarcasm).

Badlands is a dry desert collection of mud mountains like goblin valley state park.

All of this is like a less impressive version of Utah.

alright, so I'm a harsh critic. I expect a lot from my national parks. Vacations ain't cheap, know what I mean?

We mostly drive through park today, hung out at the visitor center and took pictures of bison.

The impressive thing about Badlands is, I think, is that it's a desert inexplicably in the middle of hundreds of miles of lush prairie land.

These lands are bad.

Windy. Like, cinch-the-baseball-cap-so-tight-that-I-can-feel-my-brain-being-squeezed windy.


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