Northern California is the best California, Part 2

Catch up on the first part of the adventure here.


Drive through windy roads for what feels like forever, stuck behind a houseboat clogging the road. Beautiful views of green valleys and peaks, but taking twisty turns on tiny mountain roads behind  A FRIGGIN HOUSEBOAT is kinda stressful.

Finally made it through dirty and disappointing Eureka (the tv show grossly lied to us) to coastal redwoods and beaches. Drive to Kalamath cliff overlook at crashing waves against rock.

it's just like that scene in that one movie. You know the one I'm talking about.

Then drive to ladybird Johnson meadow, a forest walk though a bunch of redwoods. The late afternoon light is perfect.

you didn't believe me. I'm hurt.

Saw a bear sprint across the road, first non-human non-deer animal we've seen. Bummer that I've never witnessed a bear in Colorado, but have seen them every time I come to California. Where y'at, bears?


Continental breakfast at the motel then drive into park. Hiked the James Irving trail (4.2miles) to the beach, all foggy and gray.


Walked along beach until we found the miner ridge trail, then looped back. Very long day, 11 miles hiking through moogy™ (muggy but cool instead of hot) weather. Massive redwoods bleeding into coastal algae covered trees and ferns.

this tree was all, "lookit me, i'm pointy."

I must say I'm quite perturbed at the appalling lack of huckleberry products to be found in the north of California. My expectations have not been met. You can't take two steps in Washington, Montana, or Wyoming without tripping over some kind of huckleberry-infused food or body product. You've got some work to do, Northern Cali.


One last driving day across CA.
Break it up by stopping by Lassen on the north side of the park, taking some pics by lake manzanita.

Then to the subway caves, a short underground lava tube. Ten minute walk through darkness to the other side. The lady at the bed and breakfast said it great, but my professional opinion is that it was only meh.

you're going to have to do better than that to impress me, cave.

Then drive to Reno, obligatory stop at In n Out burger (the fact that they don't have them in Colorado makes them somehow exotic), check in to hotel. Upgraded for free to executive suite. Hells yeah, this place is bigger than our apartment in Australia. 

People here are very tan and don't wear much clothing. Did a little bit of gambling at the slots. I parlayed $5 into $10, which I then parlayed into $0.  I think I did well.  The casino is smoky which bothers my eyes after a while. Casinos must be the last indoor haven for smokers on the planet. 

Also, Lisa and I have been watching Homeland season 3 in the evenings, and we finish it tonight. Rough ending, hard to watch. Good show.


Up early and a walk down to Harrahs for breakfast. Pawn shops everywhere. Ghetto, broke down.  If you think Vegas is too nice, Reno may be more your speed.

That's it for vacation!


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