Intro to Singapore

and we're back. If you're just joining us ( possibly from my Australia blog ) you might know that I've spent the last year living in and travelling around Australia and New Zealand. That time is coming to a close, and I'm spending June in Singapore and Thailand before heading back to the US and A.

Arrived in Singapore Sunday night.

it's hot here. like seriously hot. If your air conditioner broke down, it would be dire straits.

When I got to Australia, it was a new and different experience for me. But it was nothing like this. This is like being in some sci-fi movie.Huge buildings, outdoor markets with aggressive hawkers, mingled in with two hundred year old hindu and buddhist temples. crazy.

the "buddha tooth" temple is built from 402kg of gold

Food is cheap (around $2-$3 per plate) and plentiful, but sometimes a bit hard to find something edible. I'll walk around, and it's like "well, this place has curried fish heads and octopus dumplings, and that place over there has curried octopus and fish head dumplings..."

and the durians. Oh, god, the durians. you all might know them better as the 'smelly fruit'.
you can smell these things from ten feet away. There's signs on cabs and trains that they are not allowed onboard.

that's it for now, this weekend I'm off the Phuket, Thailand for a little getaway. More soon.


  1. Still jealous, except of the smelly fruit. That video is pretty rough. But Singapore looks amazing, as do pictures I've seen of Phuket. Kinda makes the beach at Boulder Reservoir seem a bit tame...

  2. so what does the durian taste like? What does your lovely bride think of it all so far?


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