Yellowstone part 1

I had unfortunately left our snowshoes in Colorado before leaving on this trip, and after first seeing the snowy Tetons, it was pretty clear we were going to need them.
Stopped in Jackson WY to rent some, and the guy was giving me a lecture about how i needed to stay out of the canyons and not go into any elevation at all because I'd die in an avalanche. I nodded politely the whole time. The when I put down my deposit, I showed him my driver's license and when he saw I was from Colorado, he said "Oh, never mind about all that. I guess you probably know what you're doing".
That's right, buddy.

After two days in snowy Grand Teton, we head for Yellowstone.

First stop, Ye Olde Faithful. The park gets 3 million visitors per year, and this is supposedly the slow time, but the visitor centers were very crowded. I don't like sharing nature.

bubbling mud pots. stanky but look cool.

mud caught in mid-splooge


you could say it's a bunch of holes in the ground, but when you think that the whole park is inside the caldera of a gigantic active volcano, that's pretty sweet.


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